Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Friend's Lament

When I was in my teens and actually even until my early twenties, I only knew that there are friends, albeit friends with different levels of bonding. And then, there was family and a significant other and colleagues and acquaintances. These all belonged to different domains of a person's life. All real.

However, since about a couple of years, I have realized that there is actually a virtual zone of friends only for males, and the zone is called the Friend Zone (FZ). Now, I really have to appreciate the effort that someone's brain went to, to recognize this zone and bring it to the notice of the millions of people living in this virtual zone, where one can only be a friend. Some are there by birth and don't seem to be able to move out of it.

There is also a title that one gets if one is even temporarily living in this zone and it's called being 'friend-zoned'. What a delightful title to have!

For the uninitiated, the FZ is one, where a boy or a man lives, when despite being friends with girls, who may just be his friends or even the ones he likes or even loves, continues being only a friend. Even after he confesses his feelings for the girl! And, this happens all the time. Such is the charm of this guy that he just can't stop being a friend. Such is his dedication and commitment to being a friend.

I think that the people who are in a relationship and say that their partner is their friend, are lying. How can one guy be in a relationship if he is a friend? As far as my understanding goes, once a guy is friend-zoned, he is marked for life and it takes some monumental effort on the girl's part to convince him to leave the FZ. So, actually I would like to congratulate all the girls who have managed to get their guys to leave the cherished FZ and also congratulate the guys who were brave enough and chivalrous enough to leave it. It's not easy to stop being such a dedicated friend. 

I have been in the FZ for a long time now and I have had every opportunity to explore it and to all my dear cohabitants, let me tell you, it's a beautiful place. 

However, if you still want to get out of it, don't worry. Just wait for the one who will put in that monumental effort to get you out of it. And I hear, once you are out, you stop being a friend and become much more than a friend. You become one with the other and there is no longer a need for any titles or any zones. The virtual plays no part in your life. Everything becomes real.

1 comment:

  1. I guess you've been in the zone for a long time my friend. And trust me, most guys have been in the zone. Not all, but most!
