Friday, December 2, 2011


Life takes no respite from ensuring that you stay humble. Whatever your ego or self-esteem might be, it is crushed out of you to make you realize that you are nothing in this world. 

One might argue that self-esteem is good and I shouldn't talk about it along side ego. Now, it is good, but there are times when even that does not remain with you. It's not that you consider yourself worthless, it's not even about confidence. You become self-aware and extremely conscious of the circumstances.

There are times when you need to give a boost to your own self and dream and motivate yourself. But, unfortunately, even that is not possible some times. You have to be humble even in that. Even a morale-booster can become too much and then life turns around and says, 'No, you are not humble enough!'

The way you have lived your whole life is no longer acceptable and humble enough, even though you have lived within your means and have not boasted about it or abused it. Life tells you, 'No, you need to be humble. Change your life!'

Your casual, everyday expectations, are no longer humble. And, you might as well forget about some extra-ordinary or out-of-the-ordinary things happening in your life. If they do, it's a miracle. But, you can't even enjoy them properly because by that time, you have been so used to being humble that you even fear showing happiness lest it be taken away from you for not being humble enough in expressing it. 

Humility - never forget about it!